National Science and Technology
Development Agency

National Science and Technology Development Agency

The National Science and Technology Development Agency is an agency of the government of Thailand which supports research in science and technology and its application in the Thai economy.
NSTDA is entrusted with an important task to accelerate science, technology and innovation development in Thailand in order to respond to the need of the industry and enhance the country's competitiveness in the global economy, and as a result, making contribution to national economic and social development. Our mission is to perform and support Research and Development, Design and Engineering, Technology Transfer, Science and Technology Human Resource Development, and Infrastructure Development. This mission is implemented through working with partners from academic, government, private, and non-government sectors, both domestically and internationally.
NSTDA comprises four national research centers and two bodies engaging in technology transfer and business development and promotion. These are:

National Electronics and Computer Technology Center

National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology

National Metal and Materials Technology Center

National Nanotechnology

Technology Management

Agricultural Technology and
Innovation Management Institute

Industry Support

NSTDA plays a major role in strengthening Thailand's competitiveness through the technology implementation and innovation. The supports are provided through Technology Management Center (TMC).

  • Technology and Innovation Implementation Programs These consist of programs to provide SMEs with an access to technical experts, testing labs, government and university research projects; to incentivize businesses to perform R&D; as well as to connect enterprises to NSTDA research centers.
  • Business and Entrepreneurial Acceleration Programs There are a number of programs dedicated to promote entrepreneurship in technology businesses, as well as to grow businesses and expand their markets through the use of technology.
  • Research and Development Investment Promotion Measures To encourage business to perform R&D, the Thai Government has issued measures such as corporate income tax privilege, low interest rate loan and government procurement program.
NSTDA currently manages Thailand Science Park (TSP) and Software Park
Thailand and is in charge of establishing Eastern Economic Corridor of Innovation (EECi),
scheduled to complete its first phase in 2021.
In addition to Thailand Science Park, NSTDA also supports the administration of three regional science parks strategically located at major universities in the north, northeast and south of Thailand and working in connection with various universities in their respective region. Northern Science Park is located at Chiang Mai University, Northeastern Science Park at Khon Kaen University and Southern Science Park at Prince of Songkla University.

Thailand Science Park (TSP) , the country's first science and technology park, established its first phase in 2002 with the mission to promote innovation development and R&D activities in the private sector. TSP builds the ecosystem to promote and support R&D linkage between government and private sector and stimulate the creation of new technology businesses.

Industry Support

The Thailand Science Park is a fully integrated R&D hub that aims to contribute to science and technology development in Thailand. It will strongly support the community in its R&D and business endeavors, and encourage cooperation amongst universities, public agencies and industries.


Services from

Companies in TSP
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Services from

NSTDA Members
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Services from

Thammasat University
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Services from

Services from Khon Kaen
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Eastern Economic Corridor of
Innovation (EECi)

In order to meet this goal, EECi positions itself as a hub linking innovation and investment across the country for Thailand's target industries. Research outputs at the laboratory level can scale up to commercial scale using infrastructure and supporting innovation ecosystem at EECi and the investment that follows thereafter can settle in the EEC or anywhere else. Likewise, investors bringing advanced technology for the target industries into the region can use infrastructure and innovation ecosystem at EECi to adapt the technology to the local conditions before settle the investment in the EEC or elsewhere in Thailand and ASEAN.


The National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC) was established in 1983 with major role in R&D in platform technology in response to the country's needs. It also supports and transfers technology for the development of industry, agriculture, natural resources, environment and consequently the social and economic well-being of Thai people.

BIOTEC's platform technologies focus on building capacity in technologies and subsequently providing knowledge platforms for the thematic research programs include Genomics Technology, Agro-Biotechnology, and Microbial Biotechnology. Thematic Research Programs include:

Agriculture and Food

The focus is on using biotechnology to improve yield and upgrade the processing and quality of food industry, with the prime focus on Thai's key economic food, plant, and animal such as rice, cassava, rubber, palm oil, tiger prawn, cattle.

Health and Medicine

This program focuses its Molecular Biology Research to advance knowledge on neglected diseases such as malaria, influenza, and Avian influenza which are growing public health threat in Thailand. Develop bioinformatics technology to predict, prevent, and treat chronic genetic diseases such as thalassemia.

Bio Resource Technology

This program is set up in order to utilize and scientifically manage biodiversity, ranging from surveying and identification, preservation, utilization, conservation and legal management of biological resources. The Unit gives special emphasis to the utilization of biotechnology as a core technology to increase the value of commercial products, such as food and feed, enzyme products, drug and bioactive compounds and bio control agents.

Energy and Environment

The program focuses on the treatment and rehabilitation in order to solve environmental problems such as optimizing the use of water and energy in agro-industry. It provides technical services on anaerobic technology for biogas production as alternative energy in agro-industries; improvement in treatment efficiency for biogas reactors, studying the feasibility of biogas technology transfer to industry, as well as develop conversion process that is used to convert biomass into valuable products or biofuel.

TECHNICAL services

Equipment and Analytical Services
  • Access to Scientific Equipment
  • Compound Analysis
  • Monoclonal Antibody Service and Diagnostic Tests for Agriculture Application
  • Microorganism and Biological Material Services
  • Shrimp Disease Diagnostic Services and Test Kits
  • Analysis of Cassava Starch Quality
  • Cattle Reproductive System Services
Pilot Plant Production Services
  • Pilot plant for Microbial Fermentation
  • National Biopharmaceutical Facility
  • Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus Pilot Plant for Insect Pest Control
Industrial Consulting, Commissioned and Collaborative Research

BIOTEC research team has built up expertise in various areas that can assist industry to improve its competitiveness, whether to improve production efficiency, develop new products or solve specific problems.


National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC) was established in 1986 with its main responsibilities of under taking, supporting and promoting the research and development of electronics and computer technologies that contributes to the economic and social impacts of the country.

5 industrial targets are:
Agriculture and Food

Develop Smart Farm technology and system to increase efficiency of Digital Food Chain for example agricultural zoning management; mobile application for agriculture and registration of farmers; IT to support precision farming via prediction, warning and communication system; plant disease/contamination diagnostic system.

Manufacturing and Service Industry

Develop Smart Manufacturing and Smart Service initiatives such as robot and automation system, system to increase manufacturing efficiency, motor and drive system for electric vehicle, service system and information integration to support efficiency and development of Smart City, system for protection and security service.

Health and Medical

The agency has developed the Smart Healthcare and Rehabilitation & Assistive Care system including National Health Information System, Smart Medical Device, system and tools to assist handicapped and elderly people.

Resource, Energy and Environment

Develop Smart Grid & Green environment system for example energy management system, system and tools for home appliance energy saving, water management system, precise warning system.

Community, Rural Area and Disadvantaged

Lifelong Learning project such as system and ICT equipment for rural and border area accessibility, local wisdom database for economic opportunity of the country.



TanRabad is a software suite that supports mission of public health officials for the prevention and control of any infectious diseases. It currently consists of 6 main applications to enable the risk management of Aedes-borne diseases such as Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika.


TanPibut is a software suite that supports mission of disaster prevention and mitigation officials for natural event monitoring and surveillance.


A Prediction and Scenario-based System for Saltwater Intrusio.

Unai Platform

“Unai" platform provides online location or moving direction data of an object or person within the building. The platform contains the signal receiving device “Anchor" and transmitting device “Tag" using the small embed system and the Bluetooth Low Energy wireless communication system with Wi-Fi. This platform covers the wider-range of communication than RFID.


The National Metal and Materials Technology Center (MTEC) was established by the Cabinet Resolution on September 16, 1986. Its main objective is to create and enhance capabilities in materials technology of both governmental and private sectors through Research, Development & Engineering, technology transfer, HRD and infrastructure development in order to be a driving force behind the economic growth of the country.

MTEC contributes to the competitiveness and development of the country through 5 industrial targets as followed:

Materials and Machinery for Sustainable Agriculture (Food)

Focus on increase productivity and preservation of fruit and vegetable

Materials and Machinery for Sustainable Agriculture (Non-Food)

Focus on innovation for sustainable production reform and application of rubber product

Materials Solution for Better Living (Health & Hygiene)

Focus on the increasing need of aging society in term of food and consumable products for better health and quality of life

Materials Solution for Better Living and Security (Construction)

Focus on material development and living environment management using computational simulation to design material's property modification as needed

Technology for Smart Mobility

Focus on material technology development and engineering for automotive and spare parts (such as structure and type) and energy


  • Biodegradation Testing, BDT
  • Electrical Property
  • Thermal Property
  • X-ray Diffraction, XRD
  • Powder Characterization , PC
  • Transmission Electron Microscopy, TEM
  • Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-ray Techniques, SEM and EDS
  • Optical Microscopy / Image Analysis Technique, OM
  • MTEC Cell Culture Unit, MCCU
  • Vibrational Spectroscopy, VSP
  • Gel Permeation Chromatography, GPC
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, NMR

The National Nanotechnology Center (NANOTEC) was established in 2003. Its main role is to innovate, support, and enhance national capability nanotechnology research activities as well as technology transfer to industrial sector. NANOTEC is also committed to promoting understanding and awareness of Thai community in nanotechnology news update in present and future.

NANOTEC applied research in the following fields:
Nano-agriculture and Environment

Focus on R&D in food innovation, agriculture, and environment by applying nanotechnology to develop hybrid nanostructure and surface, and nanocomposites that result on economic and social improvement as well as sustainable environmental management.

Nanomaterial Development and Nano engineering

Focus on development of material structure and system in nanoscale calculated by applying computational chemistry to create simulation and pilot system in field of energy, high efficiency catalyst, and specific monitoring system for sustainability and environmental friendly.

Nanotechnology for Life and Health

Diagnosis research and technology development using targeted molecular. Develop new drug delivery system and nanocosmetics from natural ingredients and Thai herbs for medical, public health, and cosmetic.

Nanometrology Analysis and Engineering

Research and development in nanometrology and nanosafety, testing service in nanoscale, and engineering research prototype to support manufacturing and service sector to be able to compete in the international level.

Specialty Nanomaterial and Advance Nanotechnology

Develop specialty nanomaterial with specific qualification to suit requirements of textile and consumer product to utilisation of natural resources and for better quality of life.

  • Nanostructure and Mechanical Characterization
  • Nano Stability Analysis
  • Nanoscale Identification and Analysis
  • Chemical Identification
  • Nano-biomolecular Analysis
  • In vivo Nanotoxicology Analysis
  • Integrative Microbiology and Nanosafety Analysis
  • Cell Culture and Tissue Engineering & Nanomaterial Exposure and Monitoring

Aside from R&D ecosystem and supporting services, Thailand Science Park also set up the Business Incubation Center. It aims to support startup technology-based businesses from the beginning until they are able to sustain operation and compete in the market by providing ranges of supports that suit their need during the development stage. Our work is to enable the incubatee to turn innovation into commercializable product with well business plan.



  • Advance Training Service
  • Consulting Service
  • Business Networking
  • Marketing Assistant
  • Financial Linkage